Sunday, June 8, 2008

Botanical Data and Brief of American Ginseng

American ginseng
Scientific Name:Panax quinquefolius L.
Biological Name: Panax Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius
Genus: Panax Family: Araliaceae Order: Apiales Class: Magnoliopsida Symbol : PAQU
Common Name : American ginseng
Scientific Name : Panax quinquefolius L.
Official Latin Name: Panax quinquefolia
Other Names: American Ginseng, Five fingers, Tartar Root, five leafed ginseng, redberry, garantoquen, sang, Ginseng - American,Amerikaanse Ginseng,Amerikanischer Ginseng,Red Berry,Panax quinquefolius
Parts Used: Root

American ginseng Panax quinquefolium. The name has remained relatively stable, but debate has existed as to whether the specific epithet should end with the masculine "us" (P. quinquefolius) or the neuter "um" (P. quinquefolium). While some argue for the neuter ending as it appeared in the work of Linnaeus, according to Graham (1966) and Tucker et al. (1989), the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (article 76) dictates that this specific epithet must be treated as a masculine, thus should be Panax quinquefolius. Panax derives from Greek roots, pan meaning "all," and akos , "cure," referring to the "cure all" or "panacea" attributes of the root's healthful virtues. "Ginseng" means "essence of the earth in the form of a man" (Graham, 1966).
Common Uses:Relief for emotional stress,mental fatigue;Improvement of memory.
Remedies Uses:Demulcent, panacea, stimulant, stomachic

Ginseng is best known for its anti-fatigue, energy giving properties. It is widely used as a stimulant.
This herb is believed to be of value in any condition where nervous or mental exhaustion is concerned. Accepted as being beneficial in loss of appetite, stomach and digestive affections (to relieve nausea and vomiting)
American Indian tribes use it as a love potion and charm. It is world's number one aphrodisiac.

A slow growing herb native to North America. The root is used to treat respiratory and digestive disorders. Plant is 16" tall. pk/20 Growing Instructions: Sow seeds directly in prepared ground 0.5" deep about 3" apart and cover with soil. Place 4" of straw or leaves over soil. Seeds planted in the fall will germinate next spring, so keep area undisturbed.