Sunday, September 7, 2008

Milk thistle benefits can improve your health

Milk thistle benefits can improve your health. Be sure to find a quality product and consult a physician before you start supplementation.
Milk thistle seed extract contains active compound known as flavonolignans, which can protect the cells of the liver from toxins as well as encourage cleansing and detoxification. When damage has already been done to liver cells, milk thistle can stimulate protein synthesis, thereby helping the liver to repair injury and generate new cells.

Milk thistle seed extract protects the liver from a variety of common toxins, including alcohol, pesticides, heavy metal poisoning, pollution, and medications of all kinds. It has been used for more than two thousand years for medicinal purposes, and its use as a detoxifying agent and treatment for liver disease is well validated by research.

Milk thistle seed extract is an excellent tonic for anyone under stress. It is also useful for people who use alcohol, recreational drugs, performance drugs such as anabolic steroids, as well as prescription medications. In addition, anyone living in a heavily polluted environment can benefit from supplements of milk thistle seed extract. The herb has a gentle detoxifying effect, and its ability to increase bile secretion and flow in the intestines makes it effective as a mild laxative. Milk thistle seed extract can regulate bowel function as well, making it useful for people who alternate between diarrhea and constipation.

Milk Thistle and Liver Cleansing

Milk thistle benefits are numerous, and it has been used to treat a variety of health conditions. Most important is its role in strengthening and detoxifying the liver.

Milk Thistle Benefits

A member of the sunflower flower, its black seeds are harvested for medicinal use. The active ingredient within these seeds is called silymarin, which is where the therapeutic benefits lie.

One of the main benefits is its antioxidant ability, which is more potent than most vitamins. Antioxidants are able to remove toxic chemicals called free radicals from the body. These free radicals cause ceel damage which is the root of disease and premature aging.

Perhaps the most important milk thistle benefits are its effects on the liver. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, breaking down nutrients and cleaning the body out. Milk thistle detoxifies the liver as well as protects it against damage from toxins, alcohol and other negative effects.

Milk thistle benefits the liver in other ways as well: it promotes regeneration and repair of liver cells, reverses liver damage and is very helpful in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Some milk thistle clinical trials show that milk thistle benefits may include reducing inflammation, decreasing excessive skin cell growth and helping treat endometriosis.

Are there any milk thistle dangers?

There are very few known side effects of milk thistle so you probably don't have to worry about milk thistle dangers if you take recommended dosages.

There have been reports of upset stomach and slight laxative effects. If you have liver disease you should take added precaution. Milk thistle and most other herbs are not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.

As with all health supplements, make sure you consult a physician or qualified medical professional before taking any milk thistle supplements.

Finding a High Quality Milk Thistle Supplement

Since all health and dietary supplements are not regulated, you have to make sure you are getting a high quality supplement in order to reap the health benefits.

Following are a few tips:

1. Look for a supplement that is formulated by a company that follows strict GMP compliance. These are the same rigorous standards that the pharmaceutical companies must comply with.

2. Look for a supplement that is developed by a highly-trained, well-credentialed qualified scientific team ensuring the efficacy of the product.

3. Make sure it contains standardized herbal extract, which are the purest extracts with the most active ingredient - in this case, silymarin.

Thank natural to make herbals for good life!